
Traveloka CTO Derianto Kusuma resigns

  • Indonesia
  • 3 min read
  • Nov 28, 2018
  • By Putu Agung Wija Putera

The Traveloka founding team; Derianto Kusuma is in center, standing. (Image: Medium)

The co-founder cites a changing ecosystem and company direction for his decision, while hinting at a new venture

Co-founder and CTO Derianto Kusuma has resigned from Traveloka, Indonesia's biggest online travel agency (OTA). Starting December, he will "no longer represent Traveloka in any way and [he] will be indifferent and detached from any future company directions, strategies, company culture," he wrote in a Medium post.
Derianto had aspired to create a startup in Indonesia that would meet US tech standards. In recent years, however, the Indonesian ecosystem has become "more commercially-driven than innovation-driven, predatory than productive, perception-oriented than fundamentals-oriented," he...

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Edited by Bernice Tang

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