Bright Ideas

AlphaBeats: a 10-minute music playlist to de-stress your brain using biofeedback


With the exclusive rights to Philips’s neurofeedback technology, Alphabeats has developed an app to offer and enhance relaxation using a person’s favorite music

Ten minutes of hard rock music from the eighties can make you fall asleep, true or false? It’s true. Bert-Jan Woertman had this peculiar experience some years back when he was testing a new pair of Philips headphones at the company’s research department in the Netherlands. 
A former Philips/NXP HR manager at High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, Woertman worked at the Dutch electronics giant for eight years until 2006, when he decided to follow his personal entrepreneurial projects. Later, Wortman was going through the campus’ newsletter and saw an upcoming entrepreneurial competiti...

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Edited by Matt Stanley

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