Bright Ideas

Healthy eating: The Southeast Asian startups making it a breeze

© Ella Olsson/Unsplash

From meal plans to novel ingredients, agriculture and foodtech startups in the region are developing new ways to improve nutrition without sacrificing taste

As the world’s population increases, the need for sufficient food continues to grow. There is still a massive food insecurity problem, with as many as 667m people not having enough food. But with growing wealth, there is also a problem of overeating and obesity. According to a 2016 WHO estimate, more than 1.9bn adults worldwide are overweight. Of these, 650m are obese.
Healthy diets can also help manage chronic diseases such as diabetes and coronary heart disease, alleviate symptoms, or speed up recovery. However, for various reasons, it is not always easy to start eating healthier diets.&n...

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Edited by S. Mani

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