
Kobo360: Nigeria's Uber-style logistics startup turns pan-African dream into reality

  • Nigeria
  • 8 min read
  • Feb 19, 2021
  • By Gareth Gardiner Jones

CGO Ife Oyedele II  and CEO Obi Ozor © Kobo360

Riding on Africa’s new free trade deal, Kobo360 aims to be the continent’s next unicorn by digitalizing logistics ops to transport goods quickly, reliably and more cheaply

Winning your first big client is never easy, but Kobo360 has a tale that beats most companies hands down. In 2017, the Nigerian logistics tech startup approached Honeywell to get the US conglomerate to try out its on-demand trucking service.
“We invited them to find ways to test us. So, they asked us to find six trucks for the Lagos–Maiduguri route,” recalled CEO and co-founder Obi Ozor. The route was notoriously dangerous, running right through Boko Haram territory. Kobo360 managed to get hold of four trucks in less than 48 hours for the job.
Honeywell gave them another route:...

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Edited by Suzanne Soh

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