
BJTech: Chatbots to help young entrepreneurs and SMEs run businesses online

BJTech bots like Bang Joni act as a personal secretary to help with everyday needs © BJTech

As more businesses go online during Covid-19, BJTech is using chatbots to help them manage customer service, inventory tracking and more

Chatbot developer BJTech creates a variety of smart bots to help businesses enhance their communication, marketing and management tasks. But instead of focusing on established businesses as many of their competitors do, the startup has been targeting SMEs run by young entrepreneurs.
It’s a group that rarely look at adding chatbots. BJTech wants to offer them ready, easy-to-use toolkits so they can incorporate the bots in their systems from day one. 
“We started our journey by developing a product that suits the one demographic in Indonesia that is most adaptable toward technology, w...

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Edited by Suzanne Soh

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