Bright Ideas

Chinese DIY robotics startup Makeblock enters the classroom

  • China
  • 4 min read
  • Oct 30, 2019
  • By Hua Nan

© Makeblock

Present in more than 140 countries, this ambitious startup is taking global STEM education by storm

Jasen Wang has been a diehard robotics fan since his college years at Northwestern Polytechnic University, where he earned his master’s degree in Aircraft Design in 2010. In early 2011, he bought a German-made DIY four-wheel drive car assembly kit on popular Chinese online shopping website Wang was an old hand at DIY assembly, but this time he struggled. After almost an entire afternoon, the kit was still unfinished and he had broken several gear components.
"I had no doubts about my hands on dexterity. My first reaction was that the kit was awful. I wanted to create a better on...

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Edited by Wendy Lovinger

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